CDAC Network has a zero tolerance policy towards sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA), fraud and corruption and all other forms of exploitation and abuse. We also believe that all children and vulnerable adults have a right to be protected and kept safe. Our Children and Vulnerable Adults Policy seeks to reduce risk to children and vulnerable adults in CDAC Network (CDAC) and in all of CDACs work.
Each CDAC member organisation has responsibility for developing their own complaints response mechanisms and for handling and responding to complaints that they receive in alignment with their own organisational policies.
Complaints regarding a CDAC Secretariat employee or CDAC Secretariat consultant should be addressed to the CDAC Executive Director.
Complaints related to the CDAC Executive Director should be addressed to the Chair of the CDAC Board of Trustees.
Complaints may be submitted to the CDAC Network via the following contacts:
By email: complaints@cdacnetwork.org or direct to the Executive Director at: helen.mcelhinney@cdacnetwork.org or in the case of a complaint against the Executive Director, directly to the Chair of the Board at: geoff.loane@cdacnetwork.org
By post: Sayer Vincent, 110 Golden Lane, London, EC1Y 0TG
We recommend the email or letter is marked ‘Confidential’.