Increasing the diversity on the CDAC board

The CDAC Network has spent more than a decade working to ensure that people affected by crisis are at the heart of decision-making and have the tools to make informed choices. In recent years, communication, community engagement and accountability has gone from being a fringe interest in the humanitarian sector, to being recognised as an integral part of global humanitarian preparedness and response, and a critical tool for implementing the localisation agenda. CDAC has worked hard to promote diversity in leadership in humanitarian operations – and we are now also looking to increase diversity on our board of trustees.

As part of the CDAC Board Diversity Initiative agreed at our 2020 Annual General Assembly, CDAC is seeking nominations for independent board members that can bring a range of backgrounds, experiences and perspectives to an already highly-skilled and dynamic board of trustees. In particular, we would welcome the nominations of people from:

  • The diversity of people that the humanitarian sector serves, including:
    o Candidates from Africa, Asia-Pacific, Middle East, and Latin America.
    o A member of a community who has been affected by a humanitarian crisis.
    o Persons with Disabilities
    o Persons of diverse Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression, and Sex Characteristics (SOGIESC)
    o Women

  • People who want to actively help shape the next phase of CDAC’s development, and who are willing to help us further challenge structural inequalities within the humanitarian and development systems.

The roles and responsibilities of CDAC board members, the nomination process, and the nomination form can all be found in this document.

The deadline for applications is midnight UK time on Thursday 11 February 2021.

Send the completed nominations form to If you have any queries, please contact CDAC Executive Director, Marian Casey-Maslen

Thanks in advance for your engagement in this important initiative.

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CDAC Network response to Mark Lowcock’s proposal for an Independent Commission for Voices in Crises announced on 22nd April 2021


Le travail d'une plateforme nationale sur la communication, l'engagement communautaire et la redevabilité