CDAC Network at Humanitarian Networks & Partnerships Week 2025

CDAC Network will be at the upcoming Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships Week (HNPW) in Geneva from 24 to 28 March 2025. Here’s a rundown of all our goings on, including panels and exhibition space - and how members can get involved!

If you're attending HNPW in person, come say hello 👋 to us at the stand.  

Join our panels - in-person and online options 

We're hosting four hybrid HNPW panels covering crucial topics in humanitarian communication and community engagement. Come along in person if you’re physically at HNPW, or follow the links in the titles for online registration. 

1. Community-centered innovation: Shifting power and perspectives on community engagement in aid 

Tuesday, 25 March | 9:00-10:30 CET | Pleniere E, CICG 

Exploring how to ensure innovations genuinely shift power to crisis-affected populations amid changing funding landscapes. 

2. Local Lifelines: Information and power sharing between big and little aid in the Sudan response 

Tuesday, 25 March | 16:00-17:30 CET | Espace telecom, CICG 

How information flows between different levels of humanitarian response in Sudan, and practical challenges & solutions in information and power. 

3. Building trust in digital humanitarian action: Safe and ethical AI 

Wednesday, 26 March | 16:00-17:30 CET | Salle Vevey, CICG 

How do we ensure safe and participatory AI in the humanitarian sector? We'll discuss and showcase different AI frameworks and guidance. 

4. When disinformation distorts: Enhancing accountability amid information disorder 

Thursday, 27 March | 16:00-17:30 CET | Pleniere F, CICG 

Exploring how false narratives impact aid delivery and examining practical solutions from contexts like Sudan and Ukraine. 

Showcase your work at our exhibition stand 

We're hosting an exhibition stand focused on "Information is aid: what does that mean in the changing humanitarian environment?" We wanted to create an opportunity for members to engage with each other and showcase the critical work happening across our network. Here's how: 

  • Host an "Ask Me Anything" session: Take a slot at our stand between Monday and Thursday afternoon to share your expertise and connect with HNPW attendees. 

  • Share your materials: Provide flyers, reports, or other resources to display at our stand throughout the week 

If you want to get involved, please get back to me before Thursday 20th March. 


CDAC Network launches SAFE AI project to establish responsible AI framework for humanitarians


Shift the power in humanitarian data: support the Data Values Advocates Program