New online course – Community crisis intelligence: elevating community voices with AI

CDAC Network is excited to announce the launch of a new online training course, Community crisis intelligence: elevating community voices with AI, developed in partnership with the Centre for Collective Intelligence Design and Data Friendly Space. This timely course is designed to equip humanitarian professionals with the skills to harness the power of community intelligence and artificial intelligence (AI) to deliver faster, better and more localised humanitarian responses.

What is community crisis intelligence?

Community crisis intelligence (CCI) integrates crowdsourced data from crisis-affected communities and frontline responders with AI-powered tools. This approach enables more effective crisis mitigation, response and recovery by ensuring that local voices are heard and prioritised in humanitarian decision-making.

Through this course, participants will gain a foundational understanding of CCI and explore how AI can amplify the voices of those affected by crises, offering insights into smarter resource allocation, improved situational awareness and enhanced monitoring and evaluation.

Is this course for you?

Whether you’re in a management role, a technical specialist, or working on the frontlines of crisis response, this course is designed for anyone in the humanitarian sector. No prior knowledge of AI is required.

What’s included in the course?

The course is structured into four core modules:

  1. Introduction to CCI: Learn the basics of CCI, with practical examples of collective intelligence and AI techniques.

  2. The Value of CCI: Discover how CCI can support humanitarian priorities, from enhancing situational awareness to streamlining resource management.

  3. Assessing and managing AI risks: Explore key considerations for identifying and mitigating the risks associated with AI technology.

  4. CCI in practice: Understand how participatory approaches can help you implement CCI responsibly and effectively.

What you’ll learn

By the end of the course, you will be able to:

  • Understand how CCI can be applied in humanitarian settings.

  • Explain the benefits for crisis-affected communities and humanitarian staff.

  • Identify and mitigate potential risks of working with AI in humanitarian contexts.

  • Implement participatory approaches to integrate CCI into crisis response efforts.

Get started today: it’s flexible, free and easy to follow

The entire course takes approximately 1.5 hours to complete, with each module lasting around 20 minutes. It’s designed for flexibility, allowing participants to start, pause and resume at your convenience. Best of all, this course is completely free!

Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your skills: enroll now in Community crisis intelligence: elevating community voices with AI and start learning how to elevate community voices in crisis-affected areas through innovative AI-driven solutions.


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