Access and rights
Humanitarian services are free of charge
Humanitarian assistance is free! If you are asked by someone working in a humanitarian organisation to do something in return for them helping you, please report them to [insert info]. No one has the right to demand any favours, touch you or demand any sexual actions from you in return for helping you.
Criteria for recipients of assistance
Aid is going to [insert info here] because of the following criteria: [insert relevant info]. This has been agreed upon in consultation with [insert info]. To find out more about recipient selection, contact the following organisation/local authority: [insert info].
Aid distribution plan
Aid will be distributed on [insert day here] at [insert location] at [insert time] for [insert duration]. The assistance will contain [insert info] per person and is targeted at [add recipient criteria]. This is just a temporary measure to help you cope in the emergency. Sometimes the delivery of aid will be disrupted due to unforeseen circumstances. This might mean a change in the content of the assistance you receive or a delay in the distribution. Contact the following organisation/local authority for more information: [insert info].
Who is providing what services? (conflict)
[insert info here] is/are providing relief goods and assistance to the affected population located in [insert info]. If you have not received assistance, contact [insert info]. This message is brought to you by the humanitarian community.
Who is providing what services? (natural disaster)
[insert info here] is/are providing relief goods and assistance to [insert info here]'s emergency-affected population. Rescuers are also searching for people who are stranded in their areas due to [insert info]. If you are in an isolated area or have not received assistance, contact [insert info]. This message is brought to you by the humanitarian community.
Pay particular attention and reach out to those who are most affected
We need to take particular care of and reach out to those that are the most affected or at the margins of our communities, including, possibly, injured people, older people, people with disabilities, widows and children that have lost their parents.
Special needs of vulnerable groups
Emergencies affect everyone, in particular vulnerable groups such as older people, the sick, mothers with young children, people with disabilities. Please help them access assistance. [Insert assistance info]
Who can access Child Friendly spaces (child-friendly)?
All children are welcome at Child Friendly Spaces, including those with disabilities.
How to give feedback on aid quality
[insert info] assistance is being distributed to those most in need. To help improve the aid effort, please provide feedback on aid quality to the following organisation/local authority [insert info]. You can contact them on [insert info] or go to see them at [insert info].
Importance of listening to survivors
If someone tells you they have been hurt or abused, let them know it is not their fault and that they are not alone. Help them access the services they need, especially medical facilities.
Right to [shelter] assistance
[Shelter] Assistance is provided to families and individuals based on need. Those most in need will receive assistance first. No-one should be denied assistance according to their sex/gender, status, age, religion or ethnic group. Contact [insert info] if you are being denied assistance.
For more information on this topic, we recommend you read the following references.
OCHA (2022). Community engagement.
Message Library Topics
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