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What are thermal burns?

A thermal burn is an injury to the skin or other human tissue caused by heat. You can be burned by hot liquids, hot objects, fire, chemicals, electricity or the sun. Burns often cause permanent scarring, and some are fatal.

How to treat thermal burns

Cool the burn under cold running water for at least ten minutes, ideally twenty minutes. Then, if possible, loosely cover the burn with a clean plastic bag. Seek medical help as soon as possible.

Burn prevention during cooking

Cook with care. Stay nearby when the food is cooking. Keep children away from cooking area. Turn pot handles inward and do not leave spoons or other utensils in pots while cooking. Keep matches, dangerous chemicals and electrical appliances out of children's reach.

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For more information on this topic, we recommend you read the following references.

IFRC First Aid Reference Centre (2021). Burns.