Psychosocial Wellbeing (Children)

Adults and older people can help children cope with the situation

Children need extra attention and care after a difficult situation. You can help children by keeping them safe, listening to them, speaking kindly, reassuring them, playing with them and hugging them. Try to give children appropriate information about what is happening. Provide opportunities for children to share their concerns and hopes, play with their friends and to participate in daily life such as helping with family tasks.

Child reactions to a disaster

Following a disaster your children may have trouble sleeping or show other reactions. Any reaction is common in a disaster.  When children's reactions are severe and last for a long time they may need help from a counsellor.

Ways to cope as a family

Try to have and keep a positive outlook. This will help children have hope for the future.

Encourage children to help if it will not harm them.  Children cope better and recover sooner when they help others.

Allow yourself and your family, including your children to mourn the losses you have experienced.

Encourage children to interact with other children. This will help them cope as a family.

Being caring and telling children that you love them will reassure them.

What to tell your children

Children may fear further [insert crises info], so talking about, deciding on and practicing a family preparedness plan can help increase their sense of safety.

What to tell your children

Talk to the children. Pay attention to them, listen to them and let them explain their concerns and fears.

Where to go for help

Taking good care of yourself is important if you want to help children.  Try to find someone around you who can help you and who you can talk to about your problems.  For help with dealing with you or your child's emotional, psychological and physical problems in the emergency, contact [insert info] for advice.


For more information on this topic, we recommend you read the following references. Please contact us if you have suggested references.