
Advice on seeking help during pregnancy

If you are pregnant, it is important to see a skilled birth attendant, such as a doctor, nurse or trained and qualified midwife at least four times at regular intervals throughout your pregnancy. They can check your health and your baby's health and give you advice and support. It is also important that a skilled birth attendant assists at birth, preferably in a health facility.

Warning and danger signs during pregnancy

If you feel weak or unwell, feel the baby has stopped moving, have severe headaches or convulsions, you are in pain, you are losing consciousness, no longer feel the baby moving inside and particularly if you have have fever during your pregnancy, seek medical help immediately. Your nearest health facility is at [insert info here].

Why iodine is important

Iodine is important during pregnancy to help with your child's development. Iodine helps prevent learning difficulties. Using iodised salt instead of ordinary salt provides you and your child with as much iodine as they need. Iodised salt, which is essential for a child's development and is taken by a pregnant mother, can be found at [insert info here].

What is a miscarriage?

A miscarriage is when a woman's pregnancy ends naturally in the first 20 weeks of her pregnancy. Sometimes, when a miscarriage happens very early, there may be no symptoms other than some bleeding that you may think is your period. At other times, you may get some very strong symptoms, including heavy vaginal bleeding, cramping and / or lower abdominal pain. If the bleeding is very heavy you may lose consciousness.

Symptoms of miscarriage or other problems during pregnancy

If you are pregnant and have vaginal bleeding, cramping and / or lower abdominal pain, you may be at risk of losing your baby during pregnancy. If you suffer from any of these symptoms contact your local healthcare worker immediately.


For more information on this topic, we recommend you read the following references.
Please contact us if you have suggested references.