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Practical experiences building a government-led CCE platform in Vanuatu
Sharing experiences from establishing a government-led communication and community engagement platform for disaster preparedness and response in Vanuatu.
The journey to build Fiji’s national communication platform
This case study shares experiences from establishing a multi-stakeholder platform to embed advanced two-way communication capabilities in Fiji’s national disaster response system.
Pre-positioning locally led communication and community engagement networks: learning from Fiji and Vanuatu
This paper captures key learnings from a project to establish communication and community engagement platforms for disaster preparedness and response in Fiji and Vanuatu, as well as insights for scaling this type of CCE work and making it sustainable.
Collaborating locally and globally on a national CCEA platform in Burkina Faso
This case study looks at how localisation of CCEA approaches in Burkina Faso were facilitated with the help of strong local leadership and international support, in a collaborative approach that produced significant results.
Operationalising localisation and the ‘Participation Revolution’: communications preparedness and accountability for disaster response in Fiji and Vanuatu
A summary of findings from the joint Fiji–Vanuatu knowledge and learning event.
Framework for assessing success of national CCE platforms
This framework for assessing success of national CCE platforms is designed to clearly lay out the different elements that combine to build a complete platform.
Prepositioning national platforms: an independent evaluation of CDAC's work under the Disasters and Emergencies Preparedness Programme (DEPP)
This evaluation found that the flexible funding that the national multi-stakeholder platforms had access to helped the platforms develop their own capacity strengthening plans based on gaps analyses they undertook, resulting for example in locally adapted tools and skills in communicating with communities.
Policy brief: The role of collective platforms to support communication and community engagement in humanitarian action
This independent review commissioned by CDAC Network confirms that the establishment of collective approaches to communication and community engagement – at national and global levels – is required to be more systematic and effective and has significant support across the humanitarian sector.
The role of collective platforms, services and tools to support communication and community engagement in humanitarian action
This independent review confirms that the establishment of collective approaches to communication and community engagement – at national and global levels – is required to be more systematic and effective and has significant support across the humanitarian sector.