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- Afghanistan 2
- Africa 32
- Americas 3
- Asia 11
- Bangladesh 3
- Belarus 1
- Burkina Faso 3
- Caribbean 7
- Chad 1
- Colombia 3
- Cote D'Ivoire 1
- DRC 1
- Dominica 2
- Ethiopia 3
- Europe 10
- Fiji 6
- Global 52
- Guinea 1
- Haiti 4
- Hati 1
- Horn of Africa 8
- Indonesia 1
- Iraq 1
- Kenya 6
- Libya 1
- Malawi 1
- Middle East 8
- Morocco 2
- Mozambique 4
- Myanmar 1
- Nepal 3
- Niger 2
- Pacific 13
- Pakistan 4
- Palestine 2
- Papua New Guinea 4
- Philippines 6
- Sierra Leone 1
- Somalia 3
- South Sudan 2
- Southeast Asia 7
- Sudan 4
- Syria 3
- Turkiye 3
- Ukraine 6
- Vanuatu 5
- Yemen 1
- Zimbabwe 1
- AI 3
- CDAC Public Forum 12
- COVID-19 12
- DEPP 7
- Ebola 1
- National Platforms 9
- PSEA 2
- SMS 2
- Sudan 1
- accountability 44
- capacity bridging 15
- cholera 2
- climate 11
- communication 110
- community engagement 80
- conflict 17
- coordination 51
- cyclone 3
- development 1
- digital 30
- disability 2
- disaster 41
- displacement 13
- drought 3
- earthquake 12
- feedback 7
- financing 5
- floods 3
- health 16
- hotline 1
- hurricane 2
- inclusion 11
- information 70
- information integrity 3
- journalism 31
- localisation 28
- media 50
- media development 3
- misinformation 4
- needs assessment 7
- participation 10
- perceptions 1
- policy & advocacy 15
- protection 2
- psychosocial 1
- radio 5
- safeguarding 2
- social media 17
- training 3
- typhoon 5
Common advocacy statements: CDAC Network 2022
Common advocacy statements in support of CDAC Network’s vision: that communities will have the information and resources they need to determine their own solutions and be central stakeholders in humanitarian and development decision-making.
Intentional inclusion of people with diverse SOGIESC (LGBTIQ+ people) in communication, community engagement and accountability
This guide offers entry points for inclusion of people with diverse sexual orientations, gender identities, gender expressions and sex characteristics (SOGIESC) in communication, community engagement and accountability activities.
Digital communication and accountability: insights from a year of discussions with CDAC Network
Through its public events in 2021, CDAC Network explored digital communication and accountability – in particular, asking how technology could offer a tipping point in shifting the power in aid. This policy brief outlines our key takeaways.
Relevance, capacity and remote localisation: technology and power in aid
Insights from the 2021 CDAC Public Forum: part two.
Start-ups, trust and letting go: technology and power in aid
Insights from the 2021 CDAC Public Forum: part one.
Tech localisation: why the localisation of aid requires the localisation of technology
In this background paper for the 2021 CDAC Public Forum, Kaurin argues that, ‘Localisation of technology can support humanitarian localisation in making communities resilient, instead of reliant on international aid and services that are disrupted by global crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic.’
Is technology broken? Insights from the 2020 CDAC General Assembly and Public Forum: part two
How do we make technology inclusive, fair and accessible? Read insights from the 2020 CDAC AGA and Public Forum, ‘Accountability in the age of the algorithm: championing pathways to inclusion in tech-driven futures’, where interdisciplinary experts wrestled with the dual problems of equity and efficacy.
Imagining a world beyond white privilege – insights from the 2020 CDAC General Assembly and Public Forum: part two
From the 2020 CDAC AGA and Public Forum, ‘Accountability in the age of the algorithm: championing pathways to inclusion in tech-driven futures’, a fundamental challenge to the systems of inherent privilege on which today’s aid sector is built and how they intersect with new technology.
Accountability in the age of the algorithm: championing pathways to inclusion in tech-driven futures
Concept note and background for the 2020 CDAC Network Public Forum.
Hearing the roar! Digital inclusion and community voices beyond the humanitarian-development divide
Report from the CDAC Network Annual Global Forum in 2018. Participants acknowledged the communication environment is now one where hierarchical ‘business as usual’ approaches are demonstrably less effective and on the wrong side of history.
Stepping up to the challenge of community engagement in a digital age: creating dialogue and ‘virtual safety nets’
Outcomes report from CDAC Network’s joint event with the ICRC and DFID in September 2016. The event brought considerable energy to a complex number of issues around communicating with people living in dire circumstances that must be resolved.