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Morocco earthquake: immediate communication and engagement priorities
Information will play a life-saving role in the critical days after the earthquake in Morocco. This brief recommends areas of focus to prioritise effective communication, community engagement and accountability in the response.
An analysis of the communication and engagement ecosystem in earthquake-affected northwest Syria
This report presents findings from a study aiming to understand the information ecosystem in northwest Syria, where communication and engagement occur in a sensitive and highly politicised environment.
An analysis of the communication and engagement ecosystem in earthquake-affected Türkiye
This report presents findings from a study aiming to understand the information flows and communication ecosystem in post-earthquake Türkiye. The findings are intended to facilitate informed, inclusive and accountable response and recovery planning to meet the needs of affected people.
The Türkiye–Syria earthquake response six months on: lessons on communication, community engagement and accountability
This brief presents key lessons and recommendations to ensure robust communication, community engagement and accountability efforts to meet the needs of affected people in Türkiye and Syria, six months on from the earthquakes.
Haiti six months on: good intentions, bad memories, and local frustrations
Were communication, community engagement and accountability considered in the 2021 Haiti earthquake response?
Lessons on communication, community engagement and accountability for the Türkiye–Syria earthquake response
Outlining top lessons and recommendations to strengthen communication, community engagement and accountability for the response to the devastating earthquake in Türkiye and Syria.
Are you listening now? Community perspectives on communication with communities during the Nepal earthquake
An assessment of whether, in the aftermath of the Nepal earthquakes in April and May 2015, people were getting information that was useful and relevant to their needs.
In Nepali: information and communication questions for needs assessments
As part of their support to the Nepal earthquake response, Translators without Borders translated 10 key questions on information and communication needs into Nepali.
Media & Telecommunications Landscape Guide to Hati
This guide provides comprehensive information on the media and telecommunications landscape in Haiti, as at October 2012.
Media, information systems and communities: lessons from Haiti
Following a disaster, it is not unusual for the international community to step in and provide help to those affected by crisis, but when the earthquake in Haiti occurred in 2010, the humanitarian response was different: new media and communications technologies were used in unprecedented ways to aid the recovery effort.
CDAC Haiti learning review
This learning review aims to document the activities of the CDAC Haiti initiative in the immediate aftermath of the January 2010 earthquake, assess achievements, and contribute knowledge about what worked, what didn't and why
Ann kite yo pale (Let them speak): best practice and lessons learned in communication with disaster-affected communities, Haiti 2010
This paper attempts to capture some of the community communication work implemented by humanitarian actors following the 2010 Haiti earthquake and to evaluate the success of this work from the perspectives of those affected by the disaster as well as the subsequent cholera outbreak.